Green News Now : Chromotherapy Benefits | Color Therapy Explained
Posted by Heather Wiskes on Mar 17th 2021
Green News Now: Chromotherapy Benefits | Color Therapy Explained
We’re heading into autumn and many people now understand what “winter blues” are, in fact, the very real Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Many SAD sufferers find relief with bright light therapy but others are unable to use bright light therapy for various sensitivity or medical reasons. Our bodies need the sun’s light to live. And that light can actually be broken down into a seven color spectrum. An imbalance of any of those colors can manifest itself in physical and mental symptoms.
Chromotherapy is a method of treatment that uses the visible spectrum (colors) of electromagnetic radiation to cure diseases. It is a centuries-old concept used successfully over the years to cure various diseases. We have undertaken a critical analysis of chromotherapy and documented its scientific evolution to date. A few researchers have tried to discover the underlying scientific principles, but without quantitative study. Sufficient published material can be found about the subject that provides a complete system of treatment focused on the treatment methodologies and healing characteristics of colors. A number of studies have elaborated the relationship between the human body and colors. We also show the possibility of carrying out diverse research into chromotherapy that is pertinent to deciphering the quantum mechanical dipole moment of water molecules. The quantum mechanical dipole moment as a result of the absorption of different colors, we conjecture, produces charge quantization phenomena. This research illustrates that the development of science in the field of electromagnetic radiation/energy can be very helpful in discovering new dimensions of this old rooted healing.
A detailed study of chromotherapy, with patients exposed to sunlight through color filters, was produced by Jacob. He adopted modern theories to prove the relationship between melatonin, light and color. Takkata was the first researcher to attempt to find a relationship between blood and sunlight. Jacob's work concerns hormonal changes as a result of exposure to sunlight. Of course, sunlight is a perfect blend of seven colors; different colors are responsible for the release of different kinds of hormones, which keeps us healthy.
Follow the below link below for the full study mentioned above.