Get Me Some Green makes it our mission to help not just our customers feel better, but our community as a whole. If we're not organizing events to bring us all together then we're most likely putting something together to help us all give back to those in need.
Our Current & Past Projects
Human Trafficking (current)
For the month of March, Green Go Givers partnered up with Earth and Soul Adventures and Opperation Underground Railroad (O.U.R) to raise awareness of sex trafficing and sexual exploitation. O.U.R. has made a significant impact in the fight to end sex trafficking and sexual exploitation by rescuing and supporting thousands of survivors in 28 countries and 26 U.S. states. They not only train you on what to look for so you can SEE the unseen but they offer recovery services for the familes and children who are rescued.
This month, we join forces with other Charlotte companies and people hiking to raise money and awareness. See details by following the links provided below to donate and to register for hikes with like minded people. If you don't have a MeetUp account please send us an email to with the subject line "Green Go Givers" and we'll forward you information.
• Register to join us on a hike by clicking here
• To donate and help reach team goals click here here
• For more information on Opperation Underground Railroad (O.U.R) visit

Tent City (January 2021)
Thanks to Covid-19, life become incredibly hard for certain members of our community and sadly, they were forced out on the street. Tents, whole communities of tents, had popped up all over Charlotte and these enclaves were growing. We at Get Me Some Green collected monetary donations for Charlotte's Tent City. 100% of the donations will go to these communities.
After only a month of collecting your loose change we were just shy of $200. Every penny counts when it's applied properly. This will go to provide essentials as they begin phases to heal and find employment and better living solutions. Thank you too all that donated thier change to make a difference.
As always THANK YOU for supporting a healthier humanity.