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Everyday Osho by Osho
Everyday Osho features 365 short meditations that offer insights into living fully in the here and now. Each brief text is thoughtful and inspiring and the perfect length for starting a daily meditation practice. With topics that range from gratitude to nature to philosophy to love, Everyday Osho contains a full year of meditation and inspiration.
For decades, the insights of Osho have delighted and challenged spiritual seekers. Everyday Osho offers readers daily encouragement to live fully, integrating body, mind, and spirit.
Everyday Osho features 365 short meditations that offer insights into living fully in the here and now. Each brief text is thoughtful and inspiring and the perfect length for starting a daily meditation practice. With topics that range from gratitude to nature to philosophy to love, Everyday Osho contains a full year of meditation and inspiration.
For decades, the insights of Osho have delighted and challenged spiritual seekers. Everyday Osho offers readers daily encouragement to live fully, integrating body, mind, and spirit.